Program – 1er Congreso Puente hacia África. ULPGC. Campus ULPGC

BRIDGE to AFRICA - 04 1st Bridge to Africa Congress. ULPGC. Campus ULPGC

20-25 MAY. 2024

Casa África

19:00 Registration

19:30 Reception/ Music Performance.

Topics: Climate Change, Sustainability, Energy, Oceans, SDGs, Risks,
Environmental Regeneration.

11:30   1st Congress Bridge to Africa. Stone Hall, ULPGC HQ.

Presentations & Posters

Topics: Development Cooperation, Education, Research…

09:00   1st Congress Bridge to Africa. Stone Hall, ULPGC HQ.

Presentations & Posters

Topics: Immigration, governance, gender, leadership, activism, politics, LGBT, culture, social innovation…

09:00   1st Congress Bridge to Africa. Stone Hall, ULPGC HQ.

Presentations & Posters

Topics: circular economy, sustainable tourism, investment, resilience, mobility, Innovation, entrepreneurship and young talent…

09:00   1st Congress Bridge to Africa. Stone Hall, ULPGC HQ.

Presentations & Posters