1st Congress – Bridge To Africa

BRIDGE to AFRICA - 1er Congress

21-25 MAY. 2024

Dear researchers:

Coinciding with the International Africa Day (May 25th) and the celebration of the 35th anniversary of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, our institution is launching a strategic project to constitute a global knowledge platform with the African continent.

As an initial event, the Bridge to Africa event will take place from 20 to 25 May in the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in which different cultural events, lectures, technical presentations and the First Bridge to Africa Congress will be organised.

  • After the Welcome, on 20 January, this event will take place in four thematic sessions or axes, over four days, where each day will focus on one of the following themes:
  • On Tuesday 21 May, the day will be dedicated to the Environment Axis, in which aspects related to risks, adaptation and mitigation to climate change, sustainability and environmental regeneration, energy, oceans, or the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will be developed.
  • Wednesday 22 May will focus on the Health Axis, including the “One Health” perspective, addressing aspects not only of research but also of cooperation and education.
  • Thursday 23 May will be the Social Axis, incorporating reflections and studies on immigration, governance, gender, leadership, activism, politics, LGTB, culture and social innovation.
  • On Friday 24 May, the Economic Axis will deal with aspects related to circular economy, sustainable tourism, investment, resilience, mobility, innovation, entrepreneurship, young talent, among other topics.
  • The conference will end on 25 May with the celebration of Africa Day.

As a result of these conferences, and in order to broaden their dissemination, a book edited by the ULPGC will be published, which will bring together the main advances shared by the guest speakers, researchers and technicians. Contributions may be extensive (8 pages), short communications (2 pages) and abstracts of the posters presented. The language chosen for the conference and this publication will be Spanish and English, although it will be possible to facilitate translation into other languages. On the other hand, the contributions selected by the Scientific Committee of the “Bridge to Africa” will be funded for publication in journals selected by the ULPGC with open access and impact index. For this purpose, selected papers must be submitted in English.

We encourage you to send us, from now on, the presentation of your work related to these topics. For accreditation purposes, we remind you that the ULPGC appears in ANNEX II of the ie-CSIC list of publishers (2017) with an “average” value.

Technical conditions for submission.


  • Word document (5000 characters)
    • Topic chosen (Environment, Health, Social or Economic)
    • Title – Subtitle
    • Speaker – Institution
    • Abstract in English (250 words)
    • Keywords
    • Text (Introduction/Methodology, Conclusions/Discussion).
    • Format: Point size 10,5. Normal margins: Top 2.5; Bottom 2.5; Right: 3; Left 3cm.
    • Images
    • Bibliography


  • PDF (Maximum size 5mb)
  • Dimensions: A1
  • Topic of choice (Environment, Health, Social or Economic)
  • Title – Subtitle
  • Speaker – Institution

Important: Send the papers and/or posters to the email bridgetoafrica@ulpgc.es

Organising Committee

  • Jin Taira, Vice-Rector for Internationalisation, Mobility and International Projection (VIMPI), ULPGC.
  • Germán Santana, Coordinator of the Africa Area, VIMPI, ULPGC.
  • Nasara Cabrera, Prof. ULPGC
  • Mª del Pino Palacios, GEOVOL IUNAT (Dept. Animal Production) / Secretary
  • Lidia Esther Robaina, GIA, ECOAQUA
  • Fina Ramal, Prof. Health Sciences
  • Marta González Quevedo, Lecturer in Translation ULPGC
  • María del Carmen Cabrera Santana, GEOVOL, IUNAT (Dept. of Physics)
  • Ayose Castro Alonso, Morphology Dept.
  • Rayco Guedes Alonso, AQMA, IUNAT
  • Vanesssa Mendoza Grimón, GEOVOL (Dept. Animal Production)
  • Sarah Montesdeoca Esponda, AQMA, IUNAT

Scientific Committee

Marisol Izquierdo, Vice Rector of Research


  • UNESCO Chair in Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development, ULPGC / Dir. Carmelo Javier León González
  • UNESCO Chair in Research, Planning and Development of Local Health Systems, ULPGC / Mercedes Rguez. Rguez, Prof. Contratada Doctora del Departamento de Geografía Humana, ULPGC.
  • UNESCO Chair in Human Rights and Democracy, ULPGC / Dir. Daniel Montesdeoca
  • UNESCO Chair of Marine and Coastal Sustainability, ULPGC / Dir. Javier Arístegui Ruiz

University Institutes.

  • University Institute of Textual Analysis and Applications (IATEXT) / Gregorio Rodríguez
  • University Institute of Cybernetics, Business and Society (IUCES) / Antonia Mercedes García Cabrera
  • University Institute for Environmental Studies and Natural Resources (IUNAT) / Pedro Sosa Henríquez
  • University Institute for Research in Sustainable Aquaculture and Marine Ecosystems (ECOAQUA) / Lidia E. Robaina Robaina
  • University Institute of Biomedical and Health Research (IUIBS) / Gloria González Azpeitia
  • University Institute of Applied Microelectronics (IUMA) / Tomás Bautista
  • University Institute of Oceanography and Global Change (IOCAG) / Santiago Manuel Hernández León
  • University Institute of Animal Health and Food Safety (IUSA) / Enrique Rodríguez Grau-Bassas
  • University Institute of Intelligent Systems and Numerical Applications in Engineering (SIANI) / Orlando Fco Maeso Fortuny
  • University Institute of Tourism and Sustainable Economic Development (IUTIDES) / Matías M. González Hernández
  • University Institute for Technological Development and Innovation in Communications (IDETIC) / Petra de Saá Pérez

The registration fees for the congress are as follows

    • Free registration
    • Free registration
    • Free registration

In order to register, please fill in the following form

Access to the registration form

  • 20th March – Deadline for submission of papers and posters
  • 28th March – Delivery of the March Committee resolution
  • 29th March – Notification of accepted posters and papers sent out
  • 21 April – Deadline for registration payment
  • 22 April – Publication of the Bridge to Africa programme of papers and posters.

Monday 20 - Welcome

Casa África

  • 19:00 Register
  • 19:30 Reception

Tuesday 21 - Environmental Axis (Climate Change, Sustainability, Energy, Oceans, SDGs, Risks, Environmental Regeneration)

  • 11.30 Martin Waltz Inland waterway vessel navigation by reinforcement learning Technische Universität Dresden
  • 11.40 Hedi Ben Mansour Approaching the chemical and toxicological impact of organic pollutants associated with microplastics in urban wastewater from Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain) and Mahdia (Tunisia) Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 11.50 Niklas Paulig Robust trajectory extraction from raw AIS data Technische Universität Dresden
  • 12.00 Eduardo Jaime Bata Climate change in Mozambique: from vulnerability to resilience Universidad Royuma
  • 12.10 Vanessa Reyes Mendoza Grimón Climate change mitigation and safe food production with reclaimed water in Cape Verde Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 12.20 Juan Ramón Fernández-Vera What happens to the emerging pollutants that reach the soil when irrigating with reclaimed water University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


  • 12.50 María del Pino Palacios Díaz The production of food irrigated with reclaimed water as an opportunity for the sequestration of C University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 13.00 Sonia Sarmiento Cabello A comparative genetic analysis of Phoenix atlantica in Cape Verde Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 13.10 Ana M Blanco Marigorta ELIMU. Supplying water and electricity to a primary school in Kenya using solar energy University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 13.20 Darilaura Nunes Analysis of the mobile faunal community in northern Cape Verde using autonomous reef monitoring structures (ARMS)’ Universidade Tecnica do Atlântico
  • 13.30 Valentina Monaco Distribution of non-indigenous marine species in the northern part of the Cape Verde archipelago’ Universidade Tecnica do Atlântico
  • 13.40 Maria do Rosário Chantre Fortes Analysis of the encrusting fauna community in the Autonomous Reef Monitoring Structures (ARMS) in the Northern Cape Verde area Universidade Tecnica do Atlântico
  • 13.50 Fatiha Oudghiri Application of new technologies for the detection of pollutants in the marine environment Université de la Réunion

Wednesday 22nd - Health (Development cooperation, Education, Research)

  • 09.30 Nicolau Chirinza New methodology for the characterisation of wastewater from the brewing industry. Zambezi University
  • 09.45 Paulino Muguirrima Evaluation of the physico-chemical properties of the effluents of the sugar company in Mozambique University Zambezi
  • 10.00 Dionisio Rodríguez Esparragón How can remote sensing technology help Africa’s future challenges? University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.15 Rayco Guedes Alonso Presence and elimination of pharmaceutical compounds in Natural Purification Systems in Macaronesian islands University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.30 Ilham Naghoum Passive treatment of mining effluents from an abandoned iron ore mine located in the region of Nador, Morocco Abdel Malek Essadi University
  • 10.45 Maria Teresa Tejedor Junco Junco The Canary Islands as a strategic crossroads for the ‘One Health’ approach in the control of vector-borne animal trypanosomosis.


  • 11.30 Sylvie Léa Ngnokam Wansi Antidiarrhoeal activities of aqueous and methanolic extracts of stem bark of Mangifera indica Linn (Anarcadiaceae) in Wistar rats University of Dschang
  • 11.45 Luis Ramírez Health challenges in African countries: A focus on physical, mental and emotional wellbeing University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 12.00 Nieves Jaén Sánchez Clinical presentation and outcomes of pre-eclampsia and eclampsia in a tertiary hospital in Tete, Mozambique: A cross-sectional study. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 12.15 Loida María García Cruz Factors associated with stunting in children aged 0-59 months in the central region of Mozambique University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • 12.30 Juan Manuel Fernández Lima. Bibliographic Review: Scientific evidence and recommendations on interventions to reduce the risk and number of falls in non-institutionalised elderly in the community. Primary Care Management of Gran Canaria and ULPGC.
  • 12.45 Ylermi Cabrera León Early diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease based on the Supervised Reconfigurable Growing Neural Gas. Towards an eHealth solution. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.


  • 13.15 Fina Ramal Success of international cooperation strategies: training and capacity building of health personnel at the national health school in Rosso, Mauritania.

Thursday 23rd - Social Axis (Immigration, governance, gender, leadership, activism, politics, LGBT, culture, social innovation)

  • 09.30 Fagel Lemine Supporting rural communities for sustainable development University of Nouakchott Al Aasriya
  • 09.45 María del Sol Fortea and Pilar Etopa Experiences in Equatorial Guinea University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.00 Cristina Cazorla Illicit gains in the fight against trafficking in human beings in the Canary Islands: criminal instruments to combat it University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.15 Iván Ojeda Legaza Quo Vadis, Africa? The democratising effect of electoral observation University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.30 Claudia Geremia and Grecy Pérez Amores Transreligiosidad y Mujeres en Canarias: Conexiones entre África, Europa y América desde la Edad Moderna hasta Hoy Universities of Florence and La Laguna
  • 10.45 Marina Díaz Peralta and Gracia Piñero Piñero Irregular migration on the West African route: xenophobia and public discourse in the media Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria


  • 11.30 Adbdoulaye Ngom Irregular Senegalese emigration to Spain: problems, causes and current situation Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor
  • 11.45 Nayra Pérez Hernández La hija de las mitangan, historia de una mujer que sabía demasiado University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 12.00 Idalmy González González and Antonio S. Almeida Aguiar Pedagogy of African art in the Canary Islands: the Pipino Collection Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia y Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 12.15 Kamdem kam Boris A. Migratory governance in Cameroon: the contribution of actors in the reintegration of returnees with unsuccessful migration experiences. University of Granada
  • 12.30 Goretti García Morales The training of interpreters in the context of irregular maritime migration to the Canary Islands University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • 12.45 Jose Fco. Gómez Sánchez Escuela Complutense Africana (ECA): building present and future networks for Spain-Africa academic relations in the framework of the promotion of higher education and the SDG 20230. Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain)


  • 13:15 Salvador G. Benítez Rodríguez. Linguistic attitudes of the people of São Tomé e Príncipe: the creation of the Instituto Nacional das Línguas de São Tomé e Príncipe as a means for social cohesion and that of the Academia Sãotomense da Língua Portuguesa for the strengthening of linguistic self-esteem, keys to development University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • 13.30 Dulce Santana Vega. Human trafficking for the purpose of sexual exploitation with special reference to that produced from Africa to the European Union University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Friday 24 - Economic Axis(circular economy, sustainable tourism, investment, resilience, mobility, innovation, entrepreneurship and young talent)

  • 09.30 Roser Manzanera, Julia García Moreno, Raúl Cerón y Estefanía Cano Belén Analysis of the actors involved in the processes of digitalisation in Sub-Saharan Africa through the cases of Bissau and Dar es Salaam University of Granada
  • 09.45 Jose Ancor Viera González The exemption of punishment in ‘offender-victims’ in the crime of human trafficking University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.00 Ana Paula Soares Pires Representations of Empire: The Great War and the Battle for Humanitarian Aid in Angola and Mozambique Universidade dos Açores and HTC CFE NOVA FCSH
  • 10.15 Meryl Thiel Brazil, an African power? A neo-Gramscian analysis of Brazil’s proposed framework for social policies adapted to developing economies. ‘Universidade Federal do Maranhao / Legal Advisor on International Relations to the Ombudsman of Monaco’.
  • 10.30 Daniel Pérez Estévez Decolonisation, sustainability and museums. International cooperation with Africa from the Canarian Museum. University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria
  • 10.45 Yawo Sema Rule of law and sustainable development in the economic community of West African states University of Granada.


  • 11:30 Juan M. Santana Theoretical Framework for Analysing the African Atlantic Islands
  • 11.45 María Gracia García-Soto y Antonia Mercedes García-Cabrera. Unveiling cultural influences on entrepreneurship – Bridging to Africa. Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  • 12.00 Vicente Díaz and Jose María López Architecture with Africa University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Environmental Axis

  • Cristian Cabrera Falcón – Gesplan – España
    • Renaturalización Urbana: Una oportunidad para impulsar la sostenibilidad de las ciudades y pueblos
  • Ignacio Marín García – Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) –  Ecuador
    • SkySentryNet: Auto-deployable Network for Emergency Communications

Health Axis

  • Nicholas Manwere – Universidade Zambeze – Mozambique
    • Determinants of HIV diagnosis in children aged 0-59 months in Tete
  • Gloria González Azpeitia – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • Características clínicas y morbimortalidad materna infantil en las gestantes con infección HIV atendidas en el Hospital Provincial de Tete
    • Desnutrición crónica infantil en la provincia de Tete
    • Estado nutricional y entorno de los niños de Tete
    • Study of preeeclampsia and eclampsia cases and controls in Tete (Mozambique)
    • Estudio de casos y controles sobre malnutrición aguda infantil en Tete
    • Magnitudes and factors associated with preeclapsia and others obstetric moribilities
    • Relación de la escolarización materna y la morbilidad obstetrica y perinatal en Tete
    • Repercusión del IMC en la morbilidad obstetricia y perinatal en las embarazadas en el hospital de Tete
    • Teenage Motherhood
  • María José Gómez Herreros – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • La emergencia de prácticas de crianza natural y educación emocional en diferentes modelos de crianza
  • Carlos José Martel Benítez – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • Nuevos abordajes terapéuticos desde el mar: Efecto protector hematológico y bioquímico de Alcalígenes faecalis A12C aislado de peces, en un modelo experimental de peritonitis.
  • Rafael Alayón Afonso – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • Desde la Corvina al paciente hospitalizado. Probióticos de origen marino frente a la peritonitis. Evaluación Histológica.

Social Axis

  • María del Pilar González de la Rosa – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • Bridging Transnational Cultures: A Glimpse into Popular Romance Fiction in Africa
  • María Gloria Aznar Fernández-Montesinos – Universidad San Pablo CEU – España
    • Weaving nets in Makeni, Sierra Leona

Economic Axis

  • María del Carmen Amador – Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria – España
    • Measuring online Brand Equity of the Canary Islands fashion designers’ network
  • María Fernández Muiños – Universidad de León – España
    • Common destiny: Africa. A training project proposal