

In the following section you will find all the necessary information for the partner universities.

The dates to nominate your students on the IT platform are as follows:

  • First semester and full year: 10 February to 15 May 2025
  • Second semester: From 2 October to 10 November 2025

If you wish to nominate your students for an exchange at the ULPGC, you will have to register them through our university’s computer platform.

We will send all the universities an email with the credentials so that they can access the platform.

If you have not received the credentials to be able to access the mobility platform, please contact us through the following link and put in the recipient selection “Mobility – IT Support”.

Contact Form

To access the mobility platform, please click on the following link:

Access to the mobility software application

If you get the error “CAS Authetication failed” when accessing our mobility platform, click on the link “here” to access the mobility platform. If the error persists, please delete the following text :8443 from the address bar of your browser and try again.

For Erasmus+ students, the Online Learning Agreement (OLA) platform will be used for the elaboration of the training agreement which will be a mandatory requirement for the new Erasmus+ programme 2021-2027.

Please check the Spanish language requirements (minimun B1) demanded by each Faculty/School:

Centers B1 SPANISH Comments Information from the coordinators
EA – SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Check the centre’s website for more information
EITE – TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SCHOOL Check the centre’s website for more information
EII – SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES Spanish B1 required for the subject: Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation.  Check the centre’s website for more information
EIIC – INDUSTRIAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING SCHOOL Level B1 Spanish or OLS test. Check the centre’s website for more information
EUTL – AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF TOURISM OF LANZAROTE Check the centre’s website for more information
FCAFYD – FACULTY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS Check the centre’s website for more information
FCEDU – TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY Check the centre’s website for more information
FCCS – FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Check the centre’s website for more information
FCM – FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES Check the centre’s website for more information
FCCJ – FACULTY OF LEGAL SCIENCES Mobility students cannot take the TFG and external internship subjects. Check the centre’s website for more information
FEET – FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, BUSINESS AND TOURISM No Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism is offered (Non-attendance) – Degree code 4033 Check the centre’s website for more information
FF – FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY (Only for the Spanish Philology degree) Check the centre’s website for more information
FGH – FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Check the centre’s website for more information
FTI – FACULTY OF TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING Check the centre’s website for more information
FV – FACULTY OF VETERINARY SICENCES Check the centre’s website for more information

In the following section you can find all the information about the academic coordinators of the ULPGC centres.

Academic Coordinators

Remember to follow the indications established by the Government of the Canary Islands before travelling. Therefore, we recommend that you carefully read the information contained in the following link.


The Transcript of records must be requested from each Faculty or University School.

Correspondence between local and ECTS grades:


Spanish mark Spanish calification ECTS grades – English equivalent
9-10 MH or SB
8-8.9 NT
7-7.9 NT
6-6.9 AP
5-5.9 AP
3-4.9 SS
0-2.9 SS
NP No presentado