Internacional Campus

The International Campus Management, with the motto Building Bridges, proposes, on the one hand, a continental structure for international relations, which covers, among other issues, international academic relations, language policies and support for diplomatic relations. It is worth highlighting of the DIRUE into the current Unit for Relations with the European Union; the creation of the Unit for Relations with Africa as a university counterpart to the institution of Casa África; and the consolidation of the Confucius Institute of Changchun Normal University, the King Sejong Institute and relations with the Japan Foundation, as the basis of the Unit for Relations with Asia. It also incorporates the four UNESCO Chairs of the University. The department coordinates with the Vice-Rector’s Office for Undergraduate, Postgraduate and New Degrees in the university’s language policy and the Vice-Rector’s Office for Culture, Sport and Campus Social Activation in the organisation of events such as International Weeks, which are aimed at internationalisation at home, with the support of the consular corps present in the archipelago. Finally, a Hospitality Management Programme and an International Academic Excellence Programme have been set up.