Exchange students

Exchange students

Second semester classes can start from 27 January 2025 (see academic calendar), please check the calendar of each degree programme as there may be changes (see the calendars of each centre).


Exchange students from partner universities have the possibility to carry out a study exchange period at the ULPGC, meanwhile bilateral agreements between both institutions is signed.

Do you want a local student to help you during your stay?

Dear incoming student,

With the aim of making your stay more pleasant, the student association AEGEE-Las Palmas and ESN Las Palmas along with the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria offers you the opportunity to participate in the Buddy Program ULPGC, a mentoring program designed to help incoming students at the beginning of their international mobility destination. In this way, a local student can help you to get to know the campus, to look for accommodation, to get to know the university services, to complete bank and administrative procedures and to carry out other necessary tasks to begin this new life stage. You can also get the ESN card with various discounts that help you in your Erasmus experience

If you want a buddy, you have until the 31th December to fill in this form

AEGEE-LasPalmas and ESN España will provide you with groups and social media, where you can have a look at the activities that this student association offers to you, start to meet new friends, search a flat (if you needed) and know relevant info about the island and the University. The program will be managed by AEGEE-Las Palmas since its members include volunteer students who have participated in international mobility programs and they count on AEGEE-Europe’s and ESN Europe support and experience through its more than 200 local branches.

Join the whatsapp exchange students group.

Join the exchange students facebook group.

Follow on social networks

Dear students,
We are writing from Aula de Idiomas, the Language Centre of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
If you are interested in taking a free-of-charge 6 ECTS Spanish course starting in February, we are going to give you some information.
  1. The course has got 6 ECTS credits;
  2. It is not a subject, so you cannot add it to your Learning Agreement;
  3. The basic level will be A2 and the highest one C1;
  4. At the end of the course and after passing a final exam we will issue a certificate with the number of credits and the final mark so that your University can validate it as a course/subject and recognize the credits;
  5.   The final exam of the course will be on the last day of the course.
  6. You can attend more than 1 level but you cannot choose the same level at different times (e.g. You can attend a B1 and B2 level; but you cannot attend the B1 level in the morning and the B1 level in the afternoon).
  7. You will receive the syllabus and all the details of the course you have chosen (room, place, etc.), one week before the course starts.
In this you can choose your level and the timetable that best fits to you.
If you took the OLS test you can see it on the results document;
If you did not take the OLS test, you can take our placement test: ESPAÑOL) without choosing at the end any of the courses that appear.
**All the courses must have a minimum number of students to happen. You will receive the confirmation of your course once the deadline to answer is over.  
***One week before the classes start, you’ll receive more details with  the rooms, the syllabus and the calendar of the Spanish courses.
DEADLINE TO CHOOSE YOUR COURSE: February 9th 2025  After this date joining a Spanish course will be impossible  

To view all the documentation to be uploaded, you must enter into the ULPGC mobility application and go to the documents tab as you can see in the following image. By placing the cursor on the icon in the shape of a letter (i) you will be able to see more information about the document you are being asked for.

Once your home university has nominated you on our platform, you will receive an email with information and the access credentials to be able to continue with the nomination process.

To access the computerised mobility platform, please click on the following link:

Access to the mobility platform

You will have to upload all the required documentation and fill in your personal details in order to obtain the letter of acceptance. Once your documents have been verified, you will receive an email notifying you that you can now download the letter of acceptance from the computer platform.

However, your final acceptance will be subject to the acceptance of the academic agreement by the home and host universities. Likewise, all documents must be uploaded before your arrival. 

In case you have any incidence with the management or handling of the mobility platform, please contact us through the following link and select the recipient “Mobility – IT Support”.

Contact form

For the elaboration of the academic agreement, consult your possible subjects in the following link:

Academic courses

Once your proposal has been made, it must be sent and validated by the coordinator.

Important note

Erasmus students from European institutions must complete the academic agreement through the OLA platform (see guide below).

You can only create a single OLA, any additional OLAs will be deleted without review.

If you need to make changes to the OLA already signed by you you have to send an email to the corresponding coordinator or to to reject the OLA. Once it is done, it could be edited.

You can find the contact details of the academic coordinators of the ULPGC centres at the following link:

Academic Coordinators


The deadline to deliver the academic agreements corresponding to the first semester and full academic year will be until 18 June to be completed and properly signed by all parties.

The deadline to deliver the academic agreements corresponding to the second semester  will be until 30 November to be completed and properly signed by all parties.


Learning Agreement Models

In order to participate in any Mobility Programme with the ULPGC, except for the SICUE mobility programme (between Spanish universities), the incoming Exchange student must demonstrate that he/she has taken out private medical insurance that covers at least the following guarantees during his/her stay at the ULPGC:

  • Medical and accident insurance
  • Transfer/repatriation coverage in case of illness or death

VERY IMPORTANT: This Private Health Insurance is not the European Health Insurance Card. However, you need both for your exchange.

Incoming students can take out an insurance of their choice (with at least the two guarantees mentioned above) or they can also take out the insurances offered by our University called “Oncampus Estudia” or the Universitas Mundu insurance on a trip. You will find in the documentation the information about the coverages that Universitas Mundu has ( THIS SERVICE IS ONLY VALID FOR STUDENTS WHO ARE NOT IN SPANISH UNIVERSITIES ).


If you are interested in contracting it or obtaining more information about the OnCampus insurance you can visit

For more information about Universitas Mundi insurance, please click on:

The price of the insurance according to the origin of the student

The incoming student MUST take out a private medical insurance for the whole period of the exchange at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (ULPGC)

Once the prívate insurance certificate is uploaded with the minimum conditions required by the ULPGC, the document will be validated and thus the acceptance letter will be prepared and signed.  This document could be downloaded through the MiULPGC platform. We also remind you that the acceptance letter is only valid if the learning agreement is duly completed and signed by both home and host Universities before coming at the ULPGC.

Please check the Spanish language requirements (minimun B1) demanded by each Faculty/School:

Centers B1 SPANISH Comments Information from the coordinators
EA – SCHOOL OF ARCHITECTURE Check the centre’s website for more information
EITE – TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERING SCHOOL Check the centre’s website for more information
EII – SCHOOL OF COMPUTER SCIENCES  Spanish B1 required for the subject: Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualisation.  Check the centre’s website for more information
EIIC – INDUSTRIAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING SCHOOL Level B1 Spanish or OLS test. Check the centre’s website for more information
EUTL – AFFILIATED UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF TOURISM OF LANZAROTE Check the centre’s website for more information
FCAFYD – FACULTY OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AND SPORTS Check the centre’s website for more information
FCEDU – TEACHER TRAINING FACULTY Check the centre’s website for more information
FCCS – FACULTY OF HEALTH SCIENCES Check the centre’s website for more information
FCM – FACULTY OF MARINE SCIENCES Check the centre’s website for more information
FCCJ – FACULTY OF LEGAL SCIENCES Mobility students cannot take the TFG and external internship subjects. Check the centre’s website for more information
FEET – FACULTY OF ECONOMICS, BUSINESS AND TOURISM No Bachelor’s Degree in Tourism is offered (Non-attendance) – Degree code 4033 Check the centre’s website for more information
FF – FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY (Only for the Spanish Philology degree) Check the centre’s website for more information
FGH – FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY AND HISTORY Check the centre’s website for more information
FTI – FACULTY OF TRANSLATION AND INTERPRETING Check the centre’s website for more information
FV – FACULTY OF VETERINARY SICENCES Check the centre’s website for more information