ERUA - European Reform University Alliance

What is ERUA?
European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) is a consortium made up of eight European reform universities committed to exploring new innovative approaches to researching, teaching and institutional development. Part of the European Universities Initiative, a key strategy the European Commission, ERUA aims at advancing in the development of a common European Education Area and in the enforcement of an European Strategy for all universities.

What is ERUA’s main focus?
ERUA focuses on students as the core of our academic reform approach and practices, therefore they have an essential role in the functioning and organization of the alliance. Moreover, ERUA is a unique alliance thanks to its geographic diversity and the importance given to social sciences, humanities and arts, without dismissing science, technology, engineering and medicine to tackle the contemporaneous challenges across Europe.
As a network of universities whose focal point is reform, we foster a sustainable academic concept and a critical thinking spirit within the university community based on reflections, evaluations and introduction of alternatives to the established models in higher education.
Who are its members?
With a financing of over 12.8 million of euros, the ERUA2 network is led by the University of Paris8 (France), and they work alongside the other full members of the initiative; SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Poland), Macerata University (Italy), Mykolas Romeris University (Lithuania), European University of Viadrina (Germany), Aegean University (Greece), Las Palmas de Gran Canaria University (Spain) and New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria) as well as two associate universities Roskilde University (Denmark) and Konstanz University (Germany).
Our mission and vision
We envision the universities in ERUA as located in the critical edges of our continent, gathering academics from Eastern, Western, Northern and Southern Europe and home to students of various socio-economic levels, from rural and urban areas, from the continent or from islands, local and international.
Our objective is to create a more European and united society, proud of its individual characteristics and at the same time able to work together in order to create a common, transformative and on the long-term vision of education, research, innovation and service delivery for the whole European society. With the support of our educational strategies and associated nations. Thanks to our common vision, we are now stronger and have the ability to contribute to the development of a sustainable society and in fostering the European values.

The eight institutions firmly believe that universities must ensure that all demographic groups are given equal possibilities to profiting from the new ways of thinking as a result of the structural transformations in the contemporaneous world. Bearing this common vision in mind, European Reform University Alliance (ERUA) will provide the opportunity to develop and polish new ideas that will lead to an improved educational system as well as global and interdisciplinary innovations.
More about us:
If you want to know more about the ERUA project you can click on the links below to the ERUA official website or the section dedicated to ERUA and the role of students in the web of ULPGC’s Student Council.